Tuesday, October 12, 2004

taste of things to come

It's a burning hot blue day here that feels like the absolute height of summer. I rang my sister at work in Sydney just now and she was telling me all her office politics and how stressed she was, and I thought, I so don't miss the corporate and/or city life.
But I felt a bit guilty as I told her that all we have to do today is go down to the lake for a few hours. I'm always conscious that some people will begrudge me this carefree lifestyle because I am on a sole parent's pension. After all there's plenty of people who hate their office jobs too and would like to have nothing better to do than lie around on a beach all day themselves.
Here's the thing though. I appreciate the chance that our society gives me to exclusively parent for a coupla years. I figure I'll do some more study some-time over the next few years (as there's long waiting lists for childcare in the area, I'm lucky enough to have my parents nearby who are always keen to babysit). Whether it's something at uni by distance or a TAFE course locally, I don't know. So I'll most likely--hopefully--retrain and then when Harley is ready for pre-school I can be working again but this time doing something I enjoy.
And you never know, I might surprise myself by finishing something I've started to write and having a commercial and critical success. Ah, those pipe dreams...gotta keep dreaming...
The lake is such a great place for the baby (pollution rumors notwithstanding--but it's a very big lake). We go down almost every day. There's always something to look at: seagulls, pelicans, colorful people in sailboats and on windsurfers, kids playing with dogs, just the wind in the grass. And he can try and eat sand and we splash around at the water's edge.
The whole thing is such a production though. It takes you an hour to pack and then everything is covered in dirt and sand within two minutes. You spend the whole time wrestling because he wants to eat bottle tops and cigarette butts (bastards!), and then he gets all grizzly because he wants to keep playing long after his nap-time. We love it though, we have a lot of fun.
Anyway, to get back to the point, I think there's still a pretty big stigma attached to being on welfare, even if you are genuinely using it as a temporary leg-up, a rung in Latham's ladder. So how about it--any rightwing readers think I'm a bludger?