Saturday, April 02, 2005

media blitz

We live across the road from a posh resort and I'm told that Channel Nine's Getaway program is staying there at the moment doing a story on it. Hey, maybe we'll get to see our house if they pan around! I did see a bunch of guys with really huge cameras setting up at the beach this afternoon, but we were just leaving, so I missed all the action. I'll try and get us on camera tomorrow during the Tri-athlon though, haha. So keep your eyes peeled, if you watch those kinds of shows.
Also, I did an interview with a journalist from a woman's magazine yesterday, about parent bloggers. I didn't feel like I had anything much interesting to say in the end. I find it pretty hard talking about blogging actually, and I think in future I might turn down requests for interviews (if there are any). I think I've realised I don't really want to talk about blogging so much as just do it. But I Googled the journo--which I think I should really have done before the interview, but you live and learn--and it turns out she's written some very interesting stuff, on all kinds of subjects, including things like schizophrenia. And she's written for McSweeneys, which is a major plus in my book. Most relevantly, she wrote about people who "blogged" before there even was such a thing, back in 1995 when people's online journals were all carefully hand-coded.
Anyway, stay tuned.....